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Is nutrition coaching worth it? The answer is clear if you are looking at living a Happier, Healthier and Longer life and you are not sure where to start; YES, there is only one answer, YES! It is worth it!!


Meera is overwhelmed. She wants to lose weight. This 35-mother of two, never lost the weight accumulated having her second child which has not stopped increasing as a result of sedentary life living through the pandemic. She has a challenging job and a big family unit, that although are closed and supportive, they are also judgmental and demanding.

She feels tired all the time, overworked, stressed and her doctor has warned her that she is on a road to metabolic syndrome, unless she does something to disrupt the negative trajectory her health is following.

This client contacted me, out of worry and desperation. She wanted answers, Could I help? How could I help?


As a nutrition and lifestyle coach I work with clients inspiring them and supporting long lasting change, just like Meera needs.

To make a real impact in someone’s life I need to look at the bigger picture; it’s not about losing weight quickly to look good for that on-coming wedding, but it’s to look at my client’s wellness in a holistic way, looking at their nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle habits as a package. Clients’ goals extend to much more than just weight loss, but even for goals that have nothing to do with weight management, nutrition plays a big role on that road to recovery and living a Happier, Healthier and Longer life.


The food and drink a person consume, is a big piece in the puzzle. As a rule, weight loss is usually 75% nutrition intervention and 25% exercise as well as other lifestyle habit modifications.

Good nutrition is key to a healthier life. By keeping a balanced diet, eating foods that contain vitamins and minerals, you can improve your health. These foods include fruit and vegetables, whole grains, dairy and a source of protein.


It can be hard to change your eating habits, specially if you are looking at changing lifestyle habits too. This is where a Nutrition Coach like me can bring value.

A Personalized Health Plan that has been designed according to the Individual client’s needs and wants, will be core to the professional relationship built between the coach and client.

I focus on making small changes. Small changes to a diet may also be beneficial if you have a disease that can be worsened by the things you eat or drink. Conditions such as diabetes, lactose intolerance or celiac disease can benefit from changes in diet.

My role is to also help you reflect on the benefits and the obstacles of changing your habits, whether they are nutritional, or lifestyle based. How would your life improve if you made these changes? What could you do as a healthier version of yourself, that you cannot do now?


Thinking about the benefits of healthy eating or regular physical activity, may relate to your overall health.

If you have family members that suffer with type 2 diabetes, for example, this might mean that you too may develop type 2 diabetes. You might find that by knowing that you can control your blood glucose by eating healthily and being physically active, may make your decision to change your habits a bit easier.

Once again as a Nutrition and lifestyle Coach I help my clients to understand and learn the principles of eating healthily and living a more active life.

  • So, we now understand that to make long lasting changes to our health, we need to look at out wellness in a holistic way, concentrating on nutrition, exercise and other lifestyle choices.
  • Positive changes need to be introduced, but these can be hard, and we might need support to keep motivated to achieve our goals.
  • A nutrition and lifestyle coach, can hold our hand, guide us, support and educate us on the best way to a Happier, Healthier and Longer life
  • Nutrition coaches can work out a personalized plan for their clients, of small steps, small changes that over a period of time can achieve long term achievable goals.
  • This positive change needs to be sustainable, so Nutritional Coaches help their clients to be accountable for setting their own goals and achieve them.


Let’s contemplate that question again. Is Nutrition Coaching Worth it? …


To learn more about how I can help to make long lasting health benefits in your life, PRESS HERE to book a no-obligation 15-minute discovery call.

Talk to you soon.






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